
Breeders of “SOKO” company have created varieties for different soil and climatic conditions and production situations. The breeding of varieties is conducted with worsening drought of the second half of summer in the South of the European part of the country as well as an extended daylight and short frost-free period of the Central Black Earth region.


At the time being, varieties are included in the State Register of breeding inventions that approved for the use:

  • 000 | ULTRA-EARLY MATURING: SС Artica, SС Doka, SC Ava
  • 00 | VERY EARLY MATURING: Avanta, Bara, SС Alta, SC Avrora, SС Rusa, SC Elana, SC Farta
  • 0 | EARLY MATURING: SC Aleksa, SC Unica, Arleta, Sparta, SC Agra
  • 1 | MID EARLY MATURING: SC Veda, SC Optima, SC Riana
  • 2 | MID MATURING: SC Viola, SC Planta

All soybean varieties of “SOKO” company are derived by traditional breeding methods without the use of genetic modifications (non-transgenic).

The specialists of “SOKO” company perform a large volume of work on evaluation of their varieties and breeding material in different regions of the country – both in production conditions of agricultural enterprises and in cooperation with regional agricultural research and training institutions. The regions of environmental assessment of varieties are – Krasnodar territory, Stavropol and Khabarovsk territories; Rostov region, Volgograd region, Saratov region, Samara region, Voronezh region, Kursk region, Tambov region, Oryol region, Penza region and Amur region, the North Caucasus Republics and also Republic of Uzbekistan and Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main goal that set and still set by breeders of our company — creation of soy best grades assortment adapted and fulfilled inclusive of a certain natural and climatic zone features.

The varieties of “SOKO” company have obvious advantages over foreign counterparts, due to:

  • non-transgenic;
  • high protein with low content of trypsin inhibitors.
  • they are diverse in terms of maturation and directions of use;
  • adapted to the climatic conditions of Russian regions;
  • they are resistant to lodging and pod shatter during the overmature;
  • photoneutral (for the Central regions of Russia);

The innovative products of excellent quality are the vector of our activity. Remaining faithful to this principle, the company produces the best soybean seeds and opens great prospects for successful development of business of our partners and customers.

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